Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover: An iPad keyboard you will actually use

Published on by accessories

Ever since I got my first iPad in April 2009, I have been obsessed with finding the ultimate keyboard solution to turn it into a versatile notebook. I even shared my own DIY solution but have to admit that I actually never used it as it couldn’t really hold your iPad upright. Apple’s very own keyboard dock could only operate in portrait mode and was clearly not portable enough. Until very recently, the best alternatives were the Origami case combined with Apple bluetooth keyboard, Zagg’s keyboard case (acquired by Logitech) and the Logitech Tablet Keyboard. I have bought all three but never truly adopted them. None of these met the portability and stability required to turn your iPad into a sleek notebook you’d actually want to use. Well, it seems that Logitech’s 3rd attempt – the Ultrathin Laptop Keyboard Cover  – might be the right one. They seem to have finally come up with the ultimate keyboard for your iPad.



The Laptop Keyboard Cover  attaches to your iPad with the very same magnetic clip as Apple’s original smart cover. It fits the tablet perfectly and acts as a thin metallic cover when closed. Detach the cover, turn it around, insert the iPad into the tiny slit and you’re good to go. Note that although the keyboard will hold your iPad nicely in both portrait and landscape orientations, the thin magnetic band (inside the slit) will only secure your tablet when used in landscape mode, front camera to your left.


Typing feels great and the top row of numeric keys combined with the function key give you quick access to search, copy-paste, media playback and volume control. Logitech announces 6 months of battery life typing 2 hours a day. I haven’t owned mine long enough to confirm.


The keyboard cover seems slightly thinner that the iPad itself and definitely much lighter. Close it and it protects your tablet with style. Open it and it turns your iPad into a compact and stable mini notebook, ideal for typing more than a paragraph on the go. It is compatible with the iPad 2 and the new iPad (3) and is available in Singapore for SGD 132 (~USD 99).

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