iPad accessories

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i Pad stand from Tabi - Australian Startup Tabi announced availability of the Tabi Stand. This is a brilliant little accessory for the iPad that you can throw in your bag. The little iPad stand provides instant support, at the angle you want, without any fuss. Very light but strong, the iPad accessory does not contain any metal parts that might scratch your device. A unique slider lets you reach behind your iPad's screen with both thumbs and adjust your angle. Clever geometry keeps the iPad accessory  stable on hard surfaces like your desk and on soft surfaces like your bed. All contact points have been rubberized with the highest quality double injection molding.


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iPad accessories


iPad accessories great for travel

For those who like to read or browse in front of the TV, try a soft cushion on your lap with the new  iPad accessory  on top. The iPad stand nestles into the cushion, holding the weight of your tablet so your hands can rest. This arrangement is also great for typing because the cushion supports your wrists. When you need to stand up, you clasp the iPad tablet and stand with one hand, ready to set down again in your new location. Tabi is a great accessory for travel. Use it to watch movies on the plane or to get work done.


Tabi Stand


Tabi Stand accessory price & availability

The Tabi Stand fits a wide range of iPad devices including the iPad 4, the iPad mini, the Kindle Paperwhite and many similar tablets, phones and readers. The iPad accessories accommodate most cases and combine well with thin folio covers. The iPad Tabi Stand is available for $24.95. All shipping options have been discounted by $10 for Christmas. Free shipping to many destinations.


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