KB Covers PS-M-CC Macbook Keyboard Cover

Published on by accessories

Tired of having to memorize all the shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop? Pick up a KB Covers Macbook Keyboard Cover with Photoshop Shortcuts printed onto the keys! Just slip this KB Covers Macbook Laptop Keyboard Cover  on your Macbook's keyboard and instantly, not only is your keyboard protected from liquid and dust, but all the key shortcuts in Photoshop are placed at your fingertips!

KB Covers Photoshop Macbook Keyboard Cover
Various colored keys
Soft silicone
Designed for Photoshop Creative Suite editions
KB Covers Photoshop Laptop Keyboard Cover  for Macbooks
Always remember your shortcuts!
Keyboard cover maps out all key, useful Photoshop keyboard shortcuts so you never forget all the keystrokes you need!
Protects your keyboard, too!
Soft siilicone cover adds a layer of protection to your keyboard, keeping out dust, liquid, and other invasive particles

Published on Laptop accessories

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