How to Remove Asus A Series A6Tc Keyboard

Published on by accessories

The actual laptop is ASUS A6Tc , but this instruction should apply to removal the Asus A Series A6Tc series laptop keyboard .


First of all, turn off the Asus A Series A6Tc and disconnect the power adapter, remove the battery.


1. Turn the laptop upside down. Remove 2 screws showed on the picture. ASUS A6JM keyboard


2. Unlock 3 keyboard latches by your hand.


ASUS A6JM keyboard


3. Unlock the Asus A Series Keyboard  cable connector and disconnect the keyboard cable.


ASUS A6JM keyboard


4.  Take away the  Asus A Series A6Tc laptop keyboard


ASUS A6JM keyboard


5. Now, you can install you new Asus A Series A6Tc Keyboard .


For more Asus Keyboards

Published on Laptop accessories

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