Accessory- Kickstarter Bluetooth keyboard
Maybe it’s one of those signs that I’m no longer as young as I think I am, but I can’t type for extend periods on my phone. I just feel dumb if I’m thumbing my touchscreen for more than two minutes. I know youthful figures in Japan have written whole “keitaishosetsu” or novels on their mobiles but surely it would be nice to type on some keys like those in Samsung N Series N128 (White) Keyboard ?
Fortunately like Olive I am not alone (although there aren’t a lot of people making Olive references these days). Jorno have developed a foldable pocket Bluetooth keyboard that works perfectly with smartphones and tablets. This is by no means the first foldable keyboard – there is already for example the Geyes Foldable Stow-away Mini Keyboard – but Jorno are hoping to be “the best”. They’ve already garnered a number of prestigious industry awards, including an Engineering Design and Innovation Award from the Consumer Electronics Show.
Jorno folds down to a palm-sized square (7.6 mm) that can pop in pocket or handbag so you can set up camp and have a mobile office anywhere. Even better the keyboard such as Samsung NB Series NB30 (White) Keyboard is only 15% smaller than a regular one, so you won’t suffer the indignity of cramped typing on small keys.
Jorno also comes equipped with a detachable cradle so you can pop your phone or tablet in portrait of landscape and type away. It’s Bluetooth so it’s relatively device agnositic and the built-in rechargeable battery should last an entire month.
“We are incredibly excited to introduce a mobile keyboard to the market, which offers such a unique and essential design that has yet to be created. We are passionate about this innovation and are certain it is the next big thing in the mobile productivity arena.
Scott Starrett, CEO and Founder, Jorno.
Jorno is live on Kickstarter. They have recently announced compatibility with QWERTZ and AZERTY formats, reintroduced the early bird special (offering it for $79 vs the MSRP of $119) and released three color option: Red, Green and Blue.
For more laptop accessories such as Laptop Keyboard Cover